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(MAY NOT BE COMPATIBLE WITH Leopard(maybe yes)).
Connect your Mac to UMTS and GPRS Mobile Networks


UMTS and GPRS are the way (in large parts of the world) to connect a laptop, PDA or mobile phone to the Internet or your company IP network through the mobile network in a way similar to DSL lines.
The UMTS+GPRS4MacOS diskimage contains all it needs to complete the UMTS or GPRS dataconnection setup on your Mac.
Typically, you also need a Mac ;-), a UMTS or GPRS enabled mobile phone or PCMCIA card and a connection between the two, typically a cable or bluetooth. Don't forget the servicecontract of your mobile network provider.

umtsgprs: Connect your Mac

Main Features

New in Version 0.9

New in Version 0.7

New in Version 0.61

New in Version 0.6